Red Cap Timing provides for track and field:
- FinishLynx digital cameras to provide fully automatic timing
- FinishLynx system to backup our primary system on inside or outside of finish line. Reverse direction and alternate finish line timing is available (see below for muti-camera setup). Custom split timing like 1600 split during a 1 mile race.
- The computers, software, printer, and USATF-certified personnel to time and score your meet
- Integration of Gill Ultrasonic or Lynx wind gauge with the FinishLynx system
- A variety of P6 and P6.67 video displays for running time, entries, race results, team scores, field events (depending on event format).
- Video display panels customized for your event (e.g., common finish, reverse direction finish, infield wind measurements, and field events.
- Integration of FinishLynx and HyTek results with stadium video display using ResulTV.
- Integration of FinishLynx and HyTek results with Television production using ResulTV (see below).
- Six-digit two-sided Electro-Numerics Raceclocks
- Finish line runner identification using IdentiLynx Pro XR
- Split times and lap counting using FinishLynx laptime feature from images or with chip timing
- Integration of FinishLynx with Hy-Tek Meet Manager 6.0 software
- Entries download from MileSplit, DirectAthletics, or using customized spreadsheets
- For structured meets, results to the announcer and video displays (ResulTV) as times are read.
- Real-time Live Scoreboard that reports results moments after the image is marked.
- Field event online scoreboard (see below). Results are made available as they are typed at field venue or in press box.
- Result viewing using your computer or handheld device.
- Upload results to MileSplit, DirectAthletics, and Track and Field Results Reporting System.

Additionally for cross country, we provide:
- FinishLynx integrated with IPICO chip timing
- IPICO chip timing with UHF bib tags (Super Elite systems) or reusable shoe tags or disposable dual frequency timing tags
- Scoring with RunScore or HyTek Meet Manager
- Lap counting or split times using FinishLynx laptime feature
- A variety of P6 and P6.67 video displays for running time, race results, and team scores.
- Video display panels customized for your event.
- Real-time Live Cross Country Scoreboard that reports results moments after the image is marked.
- Live Cross Country Scores reported for each split location and at the finish.
- Entries download from MileSplit, DirectAthletics, or using customized spreadsheets
- For High School: Upload results to MileSplit
- For college events: Upload results to Track and Field Results Reporting System and DirectAthletics. Compliance with NCAA reporting requirements to upload results directly from results/scoring software.
- Data management including age-grouped results, customized categories, awards listings, and cross country scoring as needed